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What are the requirements to enter Panama?

When entering the country you must present the following documents to the Inspector of the National Immigration and Naturalization Service of the Ministry of Public Security.

Tourist Visa, authorised on a case-by-case basis.

Ticket or travel ticket back to the country of origin or continuation of travel.

Required economic solvency that must not be a minimum of five hundred balboas ($500.00) or its equivalent in credit card, bank reference, work letter or traveler's checks, in addition to the nationality where another amount is required. (Resolution 1017a of 22 March 2000)

Passport or travel document valid for at least 6 months, at the date of obtaining the visa.

In some cases, the immigration inspector may request the Boucher from the hotel where you will be staying.

If the person belongs to a country that can enter Panama, with a stamped visa, it means that the foreigner has two options: -·

Apply for the visa before the Panamanian Consulate and you can arrive in Panama with the visa already stamped in your passport.

If the person belongs to a country that is classified as a visa only, he does not have option, to enter Panama he must request previously in the Panamanian Consulate, that the visa be stamped.


In all cases, other entry requirements must be met. (Economic solvency, passport with a minimum validity of six months and return ticket to your country.

What to wear in Panama?

It is recommended to bring light clothes, thin and fresh fabrics. If you see the highlands, it's a good idea to wear warm clothes.


What kind of voltage do you use?

110 Volts


What is Panama's local currency?

The US Dollar circulates freely. The Panamanian currency, the Balboa, has parity with that of the United States.


What is the official language of Panama?

The official language is Spanish, English is also spoken frequently.